Südpol Hamburg

Am 19.04.2024 geht die erste Trap-, Rap-, Hip-Hop-, Alles-was-bouncet-Party im Südpol in die dritte Runde und es wird wieder juicy. Bei einer Mischung aus Party und Konzert werden Booties geshaked und Zöpfe geschüttelt. Juicy sein und tanzen soll sich für alle gut und sicher anfühlen. Deswegen achten wir – vom Booking bis zur Party – auf Vielfalt und Awareness. Juicy Süd ist ein Ort bei dem Konsent key ist und jedwede Form von Diskriminierung keinen Raum hat. Um 22h starten wir die Expedition of Juice mit Warm-Up-DJ, live Konzert und feiern mit weiteren DJs bis 06h morgens bei steigender BPM-Zahl. Let’s get juicy, Süd!
Friday, April 19th the first Trap, Rap, Hip-Hop, Everything-that-bounces party at Südpol is hitting round three, and it\'s gonna be juicy once again. It\'s gonna be a mix of party and concert, where booties will be shaken and braids will be swayed. Being juicy and dancing should feel good and safe for everyone. That\'s why we\'re all about diversity and awareness, from booking to the party itself. Juicy Süd is a place where consent is key and any form of discrimination has no place. We kick off the Expedition of Juice at 10 PM with a warm-up DJ, live concert, and keep the party going with more DJs until 6 AM as the BPM keeps rising. Let\'s get juicy, Süd!
🍎 Bandulera

🍊 bangerfabrique (live + DJ-Set)

🍋 Jtothek

🫐 Nutz an den Cutz
Dear friends,
well known for some of Hamburg’s nicest underground rave parties the T.O.Y.S. collective continues after our little demo version in January. This time, they won’t settle for just the same; hence, there will be ANOTHER 12 hours on top so we can get closer to the original T.O.Y.S. vibe and party for at least 24 hours. Starting from 22:00, they will guide you through the night with their beloved crew and new invitees that will tickle your eardrums.
Maybe there is a serious lack of understanding of what T.O.Y.S. is, how it works, and what to do (and not to do) to participate in the collective effort. The collective invites everyone to read this message thoroughly in order to all come and have fun on a common baseline of understanding and expectations.
What is T.O.Y.S.? - We are a vast community of people that enjoy illegal music gatherings. Together, we proactively do anything that must be done to ensure the complete success of our music events. Crew Members, Long-time supporters, Volunteers, Friends, Family, Newcomers, and lone Adventurers, the rule is the same for everyone and forever:
As soon as you put your feet on our party ground, you are considered an active member of the initiative, and we will expect responsible behavior from you. We secure party areas in order to have complete control and care for the Party as a whole. Securing Südpol this time, on the other hand, is quite the opposite. For us, receiving an invitation to rave in a club is unusual - but while we are at it, we might as well bring some fire.
Invite your friends - Our guest capacity is as good as limitless. We expect you to use this option and communicate it with your friends as well, as long as you think Südpol is a fitting place for them.
The Gate policy - during the whole party, will not be managed by us but obviously by Südpol. Therefore, make sure to read the club rules accordingly and behave as instructed. Take care of yourself and your lovely friends in close proximity and respect everyone as well as the surroundings, and you shouldn’t have any issues coming your way.
Stay informed, inform others - As always, we expect you to read our information posts mindfully to be as aware as possible of our plans and targets. If you are inviting first-timers, be sure to have them read it all as well (the only way to play a game properly is to read the rules).
Andy Lekkman
Johnny Legauf
Kolja Broxi
Robot Mai
Rod Hurts
Tentakel Express
Wooka (live)
Liebe Freund*innen,
wir sind immernoch ganz beseelt vom letzten Technotischtennis am 22.02.; es war sooo schön wie ihr alle da wart! Hoffentlich seid ihr jetzt auch wieder alle mit dabei, denn es wird ja wirklich DRINGEND wieder Zeit zum ANBAUEN und NEUE RUNDE sagen. Wenn ihr Glück habt ist MC CEMO auch schon wieder mit dabei und gibt ne Runde aus. Ansonsten bleibt übrigens alles beim Alten, ausser, das Kiffn jetzt halt auch offiziell erlaubt ist *gähn* :}
Also: Kommt vorbei, baut an, haut an und kommt vorbei.
Eintritt fürn Fünfo; Startzeit achzehndreissich, Ende gegen 1 und die Technotischtennis-Schrottkiste ist prall gefüllt mit tollen Preisen 🙂 An der Modi für euch Sgt. Underpants und Cemo, a den Decks die SKL ALLSTARS.Chilliger Donnerstagstermin; you know the drill.
🏓 Gespielt wird wie immer im Runde-Modus, jede*r kann und darf mitspielen.
🏓 Schläger gibt es vor Ort, eigene können auch mitgebracht werden.
🏓 Es gibt sagenhafte, kuschelig-winterliche Gewinne.
🏓 Leistungsbefreites Runde-Turnier ab 19:30 Uhr, danach Finals und After-Match-Rave.
Beloved People,
our last event took place a few weeks ago and we, as Crew, are still inspired by what happened on that Tempest evening: what a fullfilling package it was! This is the perfect moment to tie in with a 24 hour rave before we go on summer break.
We have cooked up something special for Tempest number four which we will share with you on that very date.
As we are counting down the hours, we are looking forward to welcoming you again at Südpol on 25 May.
Doors will open at 10 p.m. on Saturday.
Let\\\'s close this season in the sun!
Stay tuned
X Tempest Crew
Lineup [A-Z]
ALICED - Waldfrieden


DSOMPA - Believe Lab

FREYA ROSE - Arcanum Collective

JUANMAD - Believe Lab


ANDYJANER - Club Charlotte

ASH ROY - Soupherb Records

CUBEX - Zenon Records

GURTRUDE - Zenon Records

HERRHOPPE & BELO - Südpol / Tempest

HYPOGEO - Zenon Records


SHEILA - Tempest

TUSSI B - Waldfrieden

NASSSTYA - Sub:District

SARAH Q & USUS - Kinetik Sessions

Hazard Hope
Vivid e.V.
At Tempest is no space for racism, homophobia, ableism and any other kind of discrimination. During the event a PsyCare and a awareness team will be at your disposal. Besides, please feel free to talk to any member of staff working at Südpol if you need help.

Vergangene Events: