14.12.2019, 23:59

PAL - alte Location - Edge Detection X Ved Siden Af

Flyer für: PAL - alte Location - Edge Detection X Ved Siden Af
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[PAL] Edge Detection
Viscerale (Ved Siden Af)

Neri J (Ved Siden Af)

Miran N (Edge Detection, SURD)

aitch (Edge Detection, PAL)

Rave ready?

This time we have the pleasure to introduce you to two uprising »Ved Siden Af« residents. The Ved Siden Af is Copenhagen's finest Techno Club, so don't miss this opportunity to listen to Copenhagen's sound.

Artwork by Kimberly Madox

* If you feel harassed/discriminated against or see others who are please let us know. We want to create an environment in which everyone feels comfortable and safe, no matter their origin, sexual orientation, gender or skin color.

* no pictures, no videos