09.09.2018, 20:00

Golden Pudel Club - MFOC: Pingipung: Hey o Hansen

Flyer für: Golden Pudel Club - MFOC: Pingipung: Hey o Hansen
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ACHTUNG: Frühes MFOC Dub Konzert !!!!
20 Uhr Tür mit Pingipung
SCHON UM 21:30
Hey o Hansen

''Hardly any kind of music in recent years so steep and rapidly drove down, as the Alpino-Dub. With the music industry go downhill, and there are climbers ha just right. Bioniere of the genre are Hey ø Hansen, two to Berlin Bleichgesichter emigrated from Austria. This country is totally un-irie, the whole environment runs to reggae to play. Berlin also. What to do if you are necessarily subject to the Jamaican impact indulge? Kiffen? Shoe polish in the face? Nützt nothing - Hey ø Hansen have done everything right and easily create their own music. Gekifft they still have. Your Alpino-Dub, it is not the valley of young women, but schnurstracks on stage. And because - you know - just wait hundsköpfige bang frogs, the Dixie-loo entstiegene half beauties and narcissistic Heulsusen.'' (Pudel Club, Hamburg)

Ab ca. 00:30 Raf & Superdefekt
