17.09.2022, 23:59

Fundbureau - Raveshalvøen presents: Øenfest at Fundbureau

Flyer für: Fundbureau - Raveshalvøen presents: Øenfest at Fundbureau
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Gästeliste Verlosung

Die Verlosung ist beendet.
Raveshalvøen presents:
One year ago, we wrote the concept with a feather 🪶
All of us were looking at this stormy weather
A night full of teamwork
We made the dream work

We created the first Øenfest for happy ravers
Everybody brought the same mindset, but their own flavors
Thinking about the past brings us to cloud seven
From there we could already see the heaven

Copenhagen is where it all began
We will definitely come
Now it’s time to pack your rucksack
This is the beginning of a long lifespan

We continued the Øencast on SoundCloud with more great artists
Where do you think giving them a platform would be the smartest?
Going to Hamburg with a good foundation
Celebrating at Sternbrücke station

Cause music is what brings us together
We, Nikiija and Bosse will be your hosts
Celebrating Nikiijas’s birthday with a toast
Feel the heat isolated from the stormy weather

Come by and feel the warmth and sunshine
Leave the hate outside
In our hearts, the sun shines bright
BOSSE FAUST (he/him)

CLAP CODEX (he/him)

ELV/RA (she/her)

GUNNÆR (he/him)

MADURA (she/her)

MARGO (she/her)

NIKIIJA (he/him)

OLI NEATE (he/him)

Raveshalvøen art director: Pelin (she/her)

ANNA COLLIDE (she/her)

FENIA SCHOLL (she/her)

We look forward to meeting you with the following attitude:
- Tolerance
- Respect
- Safe Space Creator

We provide an awareness team with 2 male and 2 female psychologists if you have any problems.

No room for trouble maker or people, who support:
- Racism
- Sexism
- Homophobia
- Transphobia
- Harassment and exclusion in all forms

No presale, 12€ at the door

Welcome to the island of Raveshalvøen